The project participates to the networks

The project can count on an Extended Advisory Board (EAB) that will help the understanding of needs, perspectives, and priorities about the ASSURED-UAM up to 10 most promising use cases in order to build a clear framework of technical, environmental, regulatory, social, urban planning and financial issues for their likely future implementation.

  1. UIC2
  3. DG MOVE
  4. POLIS
  5. D-Flight
  6. ENAV
  7. NAV Portugal
  8. PANSA
  9. Electrified Air Transportation in Skellefteå
  10. SENASA
  11. Aerospace Valley
  12. EANS
  13. Fly Aeolus BVBA
  14. Aerial Banners
  15. Civil Aviation Authority of Poland
  16. The city of Sosnowiec
  17. The Ohio State University
  18. Politehnica University of Bucharest
  19. Eurocontrol
  20. ONERA
  21. Innov’ATM
  22. Unifly
  23. Ad Cuenta
  24. Alma Design
  25. GROB Aircraft SE
  26. Pipistrel
  27. Farada
  28. APSYS Airbus
  29. Seal Aero
  30. EHang Europe
  31. UAvionics
  32. Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea
  33. Digie
  34. DAC
  35. Nimbus
  36. The city of Bari
  37. The City of Porto
  38. The city of Sosnowiec
  39. The city of Yeruham
  40. Open ENLoCC
  41. Silesia Cluster
  42. Fondazione Legambiente Innovazione
  43. Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  44. L-ILIM
  45. Bauhaus Luftfahrt
  46. SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  47. VTT
  48. Rupprecht Consult
  49. PNO Consultants
  50. Dronehub Group
  51. Pisa University
  52. Honeywell
  53. European Technology Platform ALICE
  54. AUM Capital
  55. Sparcity – technologies
  56. Saher Europe
  57. Emoby
  58. Notomia
  59. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
  60. Rete Giovani
  61. HANKEN school of Economics
  62. CCDR-LVT
  63. GMU
  64. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology
  65. Centre for Applied Psychology, Environmental and Social Research
  66. ARC (Airport regions)
  67. EPF (European Passengers Federation)
  68. UIC (Union internationale des chemins de fer)
  69. Airport Regions Coucil